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thank you for the higher mineral credits. Now also we need to manage fuel which makes it more realistic. Thanks 

is it kosher to put a base on someone else’s planet 

You can build a base on anyone's planet. No restrictions. Most people will probably not even know you built one on their planet. A lot of times it is convenient to do so, so that you can cash in your minerals.


It’s happened a couple of times where I’ve got a “weird sound “ on the planet and in tracking it down I’ve left the planet and turned around to go back or paused the game and then I go back and then the weird sound is gone. What’s up with that? Is it some kind of glitch?

That's normal behavior. When you approach a planet a rare random event happens to decide if the planet has an anomaly.  If you leave the planet and go too far away it will re-randomize when you approach the planet again so it is likely the 2nd random event will change the outcome.

ok so…. Does that mean the anomaly isn’t there or it will appear later? I’m not sure what you meant by changing the outcome 

It means the planet no longer has an anomaly associated with it.


how do we find secret stars?

They're not really secret. They are stars with numbers that have a meaning, for example if you're a fan of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy then star #00042 will mean something to you. The first one to find a secret star owns it and gets credit for finding it. There are a total of 100 secret stars in the universe.


I built out of Lego ( the easiest to change and model) what I think the ship in the sim would look like. I gave it Star Trek type engines  because of the speeds. I’m assuming we’re traveling at some kind of warp speed. 

That is awesome! And yes the game includes warp speed technology.

Thanks . I’m thinking it would be about 20 feet tall and 140 feet long and about 60 feet wide for scale purposes. Not sure what warp speed would translate into for Impulse 30 for example 

has there been a change in how we find Anomalies? I haven’t been finding any lately and I’ve searched high an low

No change. They are very rare.


has there been some kind of system crash? I can’t get into the “galaxy“ on either device.

Sometimes there's a hiccup on the server but it usually corrects itself after a bit. These issues are usually out of my control.


do you have a Facebook page? If not could I start one? Also I think it’s great that you have the monolith idea like 2001 A Space Odyssey 

I do not have a Facebook page but feel free to start one

ok   If I do it’ll probably be screenshots unless I can think of something to add along with them. Also how do I check the leaderboard? 

There should be a trophy icon (Android, PC, MAC) or Game Center icon (iOS). Tap that to pull up the leaderboard.


followed you’re instructions and found a monolith on system 492832 -01   So I build a base to mark the spot 

after I pick up a SETI signal do I need to find a physical location? I’m asking because the signal seems to be stronger in a certain direction. For instance I pointed it in the strongest signal direction and let it go for 90 minutes and found nothing. If we could find it w/o being in the hover mode would be great, like putting it under a beacon   Driving along at 131 M/S for 90 minutes is a long way. 

Sounds like you found a planet with an anomaly. You get full credit for the SETI signal once you scan a planet that has the signal source but an anomaly is a physical object on the planet surface (not necessarily a SETI planet). You have to use your gauges to pinpoint it. One gauge shows how in front of you it is and the other gauge shows you how on top of it you are. It's best to fly and get roughly in the right area and then land and find it.

ok thanks 

Are my bases listed somewhere? I can’t remember where I’ve built them. 🤦‍♂️

Go to COMPUTER then select BASES then at the top you can list bases by MY BASES or ALL BASES. Then tap on any base to plot a course to it.


how about an upgrade where you can pick up points from pods and claim buildings while flying slowly at low level? 

I’ve got 73,000,000 points. What am I supposed to do with all these points? Can I covert them to credit? Or maybe some kind of cool upgrade 

Points are used to rank you on the leaderboards.

ok thanks 

btw this is in my opinion the best space exploration sim period. 

what do the symbols P Y R mean at the top of the screen?

Pitch, Yaw and Roll

🤦‍♂️ ok thanks 

how do I find SETI signals?

Tap the CURRENT MISSION button and plot a course to the quadrant/sector. Go to each star system in the sector using your local map and scan the planets until you find it. In your local map you can tap a star and plot a course to it. The local map shows only the stars in that sector so one of those star systems will have a planet that is the source of the signal.


ok so I’m wondering how I find the current mission location on the galaxy map. I realize that the auto pilot will take me there although it doesn’t seem to do anything after I’ve laid in the course. Is there a system to the numbers that corresponds to the map? 

when you plot a course the location will be marked.. just rotate your ship around until you see the HUD indicator showing the location then fly your ship to it. When you get to the location use your local map to search each star system.

ok very good. Thanks 

not sure how to build Star bases that are not on a planet. Any help would be appreciated 

Star bases are randomly chosen when the universe is created. You can find them on a map. The star will be a green dot on the map and there will be a star base in the solar system. You can also use the computer to plot a course to the nearest star base.

ok then. Thanks 

I’m running this sim on an iPad and iPhone with the same username. Will this create problems with my saved credits and saved solar systems ?

Your discovered stars/planets will be retained but your credits will not carry over. Credits are not saved on the server.

ok thanks 

how do I get more credits?

Sell your minerals and discovered habitable planets when you visit starbases.


any chance of an outside view? I’m curious as to what the ship would look like 

Hi perhaps in the next version I'll include external ship view. No idea when that will be though.

ok thanks 

It is possible to delete my character/save and restart? Also, how do I name my player?

On PC/Mac/Android to rename your player go to the COMPUTER and you should see an option to Change User Name. If it's not there you may have already named your player previously.

What about starting over fresh? Where are save games even stored?